Thursday, August 31, 2006

Over at Hulda's blog I saw a post about favourite plants.As I also love plants I want to show some of mine.
This one is a streptocarpus, it's a very lovely plant.

I had one of those for my birthday and I liked the pot and the plant so much I bought another one. I don't know it's name in English but we call it slaapkamer geluk.Quickly translated it says bedroom luck.

These are peperomia's, a lovely plant for places with some shadow.

This cactus we call Easter cactus, because he blooms around Easter.

And here he is without the flowers.


Ingrid said...

I love the pictures of your plants! Your house looks so cozy! The plant that you call "Bedroom luck" is in Norwegian called something like "House peace".

Hulda said...

Yes, I should say the same as Ingrid, "Husfred" or "House peace" , translated. :) Lovely plants, and I really like streptocarpus too, I have a couple of them, they are in lillac.

Farmgirl Cyn said...

Your Easter Cactus looks just like my Christmas Cactus!!! Named for it's blooming time!

savvycityfarmer said...

I love the rusty dusty urn packed with greens.

You're lovin this bloggy thing aren't you?

Niki Fretwell said...

Hi Monique,
The plant that you call 'Bedroom Luck' is commomnly called 'Mind-your-own-business' in English! No, I am not being rude- it's the truth!! I have one in a china rose patterned bowl. I give it a pat now and then, as it is like a little fuzzy creature! (They grow well in my garden too.)

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