The KMKS Questionnaire:
Are you allergic to any fibers? No
What are your favorite colors? Warm fall colours, blue, purple, pink.
Are you a new mitt knitter? Yes, very new.
How long have you been knitting mittens? I still have to start knitting my first mitten.I'm hoping to get started with some mittens in a couple of days.
Do you prefer solid or multicolored yarn? I like both solid and multicoloured yarns.
What fibers do you prefer in mitten yarn? Soft wool ( not itchy), tweed or blends of wool.
Where do you usually knit mittens? I usually knit in my chair by the window in our livingroom.
How do you usually carry/store small projects? I carry small projects in a bag I made of vintage fabrics and I store my small projects in old baskets.
What are your favorite mitten patterns? Don't have any yet.
What are your favorite mitten knitting techniques? Don't have that yet either.
What new techniques would you like to try? Don't know, love to try a lot.
What are your favorite needles for knitting mittens? I think circular needles.
What are some of your favorite yarns? I like wool, tweed.....
What yarn do you totally covet? home spinned wool.
Any pattern you would love to make if money and time were no object? ??????
Favorite kind of needles (brand, materials, straights or circs, etc)? metalic or plastic needles and circular needles.
If you were a specific kind of yarn, which brand and kind of yarn would you be?I think I would love to be a home spinned wool.
Do you have a favorite candy or mail-able snack? I just love all kinds of candy.
What’s your favorite animal? I like dogs and cats.
Would you prefer super warm mittens or something more like fingerless mitts? I prefer super warm mittens.
If you were a color what color would you be? Blue
What is your most inspiring image, flower, or object in nature? Herbs and the sea.
Do you have a wishlist? No I don't.
Anything else you’d like to share with the group today? I'm really glad that I have joined this great swap.