It's so strange but I don't know where all the time went to.........It just goes by way too fast.
I have made a couple of photo's of the things I made but something on our camera just stopped with it. We have bought a new part so tomorrow I will make some photo's and post them here. I just made an agreement with myself that I will post here regulary again.
These photo's are from our dog Gwenn who is pregnant and she will give birth in a couple of days. The due date is Saturday the 17th but it also can be a couple of days sooner or later.She is getting very round and heavy. We went to the vet a couple of weeks ago and on the echo he saw at least 4 puppies. He told us it's difficult to see how many are in there but he thinks it could be more. she had puppies a couple of years ago and then she had 8 puppies. We just have to wait and see.
Hi Monique!
I am so happy to hear that everything is ok with you! I wondered were you went. But time goes very fast these days, I should know. And ofcourse the weather makes it all more tempting to stay outside enjoying the fantastic weather. Your new dog Gwenn is such a darling, what a beautiful looking dog! She looks like she is a sweetheart too :) How exciting that there are puppins on the way! Oh, they are too cute for words :))
I have to go now, but if I don`t talk to you for a while, take good care, good luck with your new house and enjoy the lovely days and ofcourse the new puppies that`s coming! Big hug from Aina ;)
Oh I forgot to thank you for your best wishes. Thank you Monique, you are a very good blogfriend!
Lieve Monique, heel hartelijk dank voor je fijne woorden! We hebben echt een pracht-weekend gehad, zowel wat het weer alsook wat de viering zelf betreft. En ik ben een blije mama.
Begrijp ik het goed dat jullie gaan verhuizen naar een nieuwbouwwoning? Jullie zullen er wellicht gelukkig mee zijn, neem ik aan. Alvast veel voorvreugde toegewenst in de komende tijden! Lieve groeten, Marjolijn
Mmmm such a lovely dog you have.:-)
Nice to hear from you.:-) Hugs Stina
he monique, altijd spannend he de bouw van een nieuw huis, het kan vast niet snel genoeg gaan. houd ons op de hoogte. en heel veel succes met je mama hond. groetjes,
So glad to read an update, been wondering where or how you've been doing. Good to hear all's fine. Hope all goes well with Gwen and goodluck with the new house.
welcome back! i've been wondering what happened to you - i guess life just gets in the way of blogging sometimes. i find it hard to update regularly - i always have good intentions, but then i find i have other priorities - like the children! can't wait to see the house when it is finished - good luck with the puppies - it will be lovely to have little babies in the house.
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