Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I have been on Ravelry for some time now and I really like it a lot. There are lots of great groups with wonderful people,lots and lots of lovely patterns ,kal's and some great swaps.
Here are some photo's of the wonderful things I received from some of those swaps.

Aren't these great swaps or what!!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

And finally we can see that they are working on our new house!They're soon are ready to lay our floor. As you can see the houses in the street are going fast, so we think that it will be the same for our house.
And with our mother Gwenn and her puppies everyrthing is great! Slowly Gwenn is getting back to her old self again.
It's funny to see how protective she is over her puppies.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Our dog Gwenn went into labour yesterday.It has been a very difficult labour for both Gwenn and her puppies.
The first one came with her behind legs and my husband had to pull her out . She is a heavy one and she weights 430 gr. and she is black/white. The second one arrived over an hour later and also with her behind legs first and she also weights 430gr and she is brown/white. She was more dead then alive and we had to really help her by rubbing her with a towel and put her in cold and hot water baths but she finally was ok. Then allready the 3th one was born and he is brown/white and weights 360 gr. and was just fine.
And then it took a very, very long time before the next one was born and my husband took Gwenn to the vet where she got an injection to help her. But that didn't help and we gave her another injection at home and that also didn't help so my husband went back and Gwenn got a surgery( I can't find the correct translation on our online dictionary) and there was just one puppy left. Unfortunately he was a very big one, also black/white, and that slowed it down and very sadly he died before he was born.

Now they're all at home and doing fine. here are a couple of photo's.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Here are some photo's of some corners of my home.

I have lots of old, vintage plates and I love to decorate with them.

A lovely heart I received from a swap some time ago.

And this is a lovely smelling soap heart and it's hanging in our toilet. Before you open the door you can smell the lovely lavendel.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I'm finally back again!
It's so strange but I don't know where all the time went to.........It just goes by way too fast.
I have made a couple of photo's of the things I made but something on our camera just stopped with it. We have bought a new part so tomorrow I will make some photo's and post them here. I just made an agreement with myself that I will post here regulary again.

These photo's are from our dog Gwenn who is pregnant and she will give birth in a couple of days. The due date is Saturday the 17th but it also can be a couple of days sooner or later.She is getting very round and heavy. We went to the vet a couple of weeks ago and on the echo he saw at least 4 puppies. He told us it's difficult to see how many are in there but he thinks it could be more. she had puppies a couple of years ago and then she had 8 puppies. We just have to wait and see.

My husband had made this for her so in here she will give birth to the puppies

And yesterday we went to take a look at our new house. They have just started with our house and as you can see they're working on the floor now. Hopefully I can post some walls soon.
