Thursday, November 08, 2007

I don't know what was wrong with blogger. I have tried for days to post but it just wouldn't let me do it. So now I gave it another try and at the second attempt I was able to post again! Finally!!!!
But now I have a lot of things to show so I devide them over a couple of posts.
This is what I received from my sp11 pal. She send me some wonderful things again. I was knitting with the gorgious sock yarn she send me in September when the doorbell rang. I noticed the postman so I ran to the door to get the parcel that he was holding. I'm sure that he must have thought what a crazy lady is that Ü.

Here is what I received. This lovely magazine that's full with great patterns. I wish that we had such great magazines here in the netherlands.

This lovely blue baby bamboo yarn. Isn't the colour just gorgious!

And some very nice alpaca yarn in the colours lilac and purple. Unfortunately the colours are a bit hard to see on the photo.

Some very tasty chocolat and a great keyring with an English Springer Spaniel( how thoughtfull as we have 3 of them walking around here.)

This is a dishcloth I made a while ago.


corry said...

I know from experience how exciting fun mail can be! That magazine and the wool are looking great!

atelierlemlem said...

Hai Monique! Wat heerlijk he, als de postbode zo'n verrassing aflevert! Ik weet nog steeds niet precies hoe dat swappen nu werkt, maar ik ben het aan het uitvogelen.. Die sleutelhanger is ook enig.
Het vaatdoekje is heerlijk herfstig, hartstikke leuk gedaan. (Ik ben momenteel een hoedje aan het haken.)Met onze knul gaat het weer prima, wat het geweest is, weet ik nog steeds niet, maar een dag later was alles weer in orde!
Groetjes van mama lieveheersbeestje.

Paula said...

Nothing brightens the day like a box from the postman! Great gifts. I'd like to find that magazine myself and what wonderful yarn to add to your stash. I really like your pumpkin dishcloth as well. Looks like you had a great day!

Splashes of Pink and Mint said...

Heerlijk dit soort post! Je handen gaan gewoon jeuken bij het zien van dit mooie garen! En je vaatdoekje is ook heel erg leuk geworden! Borduurt mooi voort op je kussen, zo blijf je een beetje in het thema!

Levin said...

lucky you! the present looks great - i love getting magazines from different countries too - it's nice to see what is available in other contries. I got some knip mode (?) from my sister once - they were fantastic (not that I made anything out of them - lol)
enjoy your presents and I'm glad blogger is good to you again!

Ellie Garratt said...

Some wonderful pressies :)

Someone told me that if you have a problem with tension in your knitting that bamboo knitting needles help. Does anyone know if that is true?

Cottage Contessa said...

Oh you did receive some very lovely things in the post, didn't you! I think the dish cloth you made is adorable too!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

Pancake Recipes said...

Lovely post thanks for posting