Just a couple of photo's I took yesterday. It's very difficult to take a good photo of my cat Diesel. Our cute dogs.
This is a picture of my son Marco, here he is at the wedding of his uncle in the trunk of their wedding car.
Here he was 3 years old so that's 10 years ago.
Just a couple of photo's of some nice things in our livingroom.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
And again we're having some lovely Spring weather. Very slowly everything starts to grow, is getting green and starts flowering in our garden. Here are 2 photo's of our skimmia with some branches of the larix hanging over and our magnolia.
I just love to decorate my house.
So every now and then I'm changing the decorations. Now I have some pink decorations in our livingroom.
Friday, March 23, 2007
I have made this shrug last week. It was very easy because I have used big needles and it was done in no time at all.I really love such knitting projects between some bigger knitting projects. I have also added a couple of colours to my ripple afghan. I want to make some a photo of it this weekend. And here is my Easter cactus, ready to bloom. I just love this plant. It was very small when I bought it last year and it has grown a lot.It really has lovely flowers.
And some beautiful Spring flowers I just had to buy.
We allready had a couple of days of lovely Spring weather. Unfortunately it looks more like Fall at the moment.
This is a photo of my helleborus, it has gorgious purple flowers.
I have planted some lovely Spring flowers last week. They also have this lovely purple colour.
Friday, March 16, 2007
I'm finally back to posting on my blog again! Every time I forgot to take some photo's that I wanted to post... This photo shows the wonderful swap I received from Stella. She send me the most beautiful things.I wanted to make a photo of the things that I send her, but I completely forgot....... A while ago I noticed these lovely ripple blankets on some blogs. They looked so lovely that I wanted to make one too. I looked at my yarn stash and found some great colours.Some yarns are left over from sweaters I made for my kids when they where very young. Working on this ripple blanket is like a walk on memory lane for me Ü. When I started with this ripple blanket I joined the ripple-along where lots of people making beautiful ripple blankets : http://neisripplealong.blogspot.com/ This is how my ripple blanket looked like 10 days ago.
And here it is 2 days ago. First I wasn't very happy with the colours but as I was rippling along I began to like it.
Friday, March 02, 2007
Here are the beautiful hearts I received from the nostalgic heart swap organised by Anita. They are all so lovely and beautiful made! I'm real glad that I have joined this swap. This heart is made by Anita. This heart is made by Henny.
This heart is made by Mia.
And this heart is made by Jo.
Thank you very much ladies for these beautiful hearts!